Haunted Institution in Most Popular Countries
The Moundsville West Virginia is also considered to be one of the scariest places on Earth. This haunted prison has had several sightings, and terrifying experiences. As you approach this immense structure, you are most likely to be taken back by the spooky, gothic building style that was used to make the facility. A great majority of those individuals lost their lives while remaining at the prison. There were a few who died of natural causes, others who perished because of the shear violence, and lots of others that were actually executed in prison.
Animals are sometimes our best Buddies in life and in death, like individuals, their spirits live on. In my own experiences and those of others, many animal spirits are encountered. Personally I have recorded more animal spirit cased involving cats than any other creature. Investigations I have gone on where the customer is stating they feel something getting on the bed or the sofa next to them has often proven to be an animal soul. This is in the category of less common.
Doppelgangers are souls which look exactly like someone else. It does not have to look like you. It could mimic a friend or relative. Many consider that the appearance of a DG means something bad is going to happen to that individual. The title Doppelganger is also German and is just two words, Doppler significance double and ganger meaning walker. In America we have combined the two words into one but nevertheless the literal meaning is Dual Walker or evil twin.
Thought Projection:
Regardless, the issues we face when attempting to understand the various kinds of ghosts and haunts we encounter, is nothing compared to how hard it is to talk about them in a smart manner. Before we can have an honest conversation about ghosts, or any other topic for that matter, we must try to define what it is we are discussing and the following is my attempt to do that. Please bear in mind that all which you are about to read are my own thoughts and feelings about the issue. After all, when dealing with the supernatural there are not any true facts – only a great deal of speculation.
Strange noises have been reported from all areas of Fairfield Hills, and haunted house in Ohio out of whispers and moans to outright screams echoing through the halls. The clacking rattle of older gurney wheels are said to travel halls along with the underground corridors especially. The morgue is very animated with resounding, inexplicable sounds. During its last few years of operation, various electronic machines and Appliances were supposed to turn on and off of their own accord.